St Dunstan's receives absolutely no money from the State and is entirely funded by voluntary contributions from our members. We really need your support to continue our vital and historic ministry in the East End of London. Please give generously and be assured your support is very much appreciated.
Standing Order From Your Bank Account
We encourage members of our church to give regularly by Standing Order from a bank account. We need an average of £10 a week or £43 a calendar month from each member to meet our existing costs. People are asked to give according to their means; so some will give less and some more. If you would like to give by standing order please click the button below and fill in the form, which will be posted to you for signature, with a pre-paid envelope to return the form. Thank you.
St Dunstan and All Saints Church Stepney is Registered Charity Number 1133322 click the Charity Commission logo to visit our entry on the official register.